26 Things That Happen When You Move To Los Angeles
One minute it’s been a year in L.A., and then next..five. Happy five-year anniversary to me!
I worship at the altar of animal-style fries. Et tu?
Because if you don’t wait, you could get a ticket for jaywalking. It happened to me, and I’ve learned my lesson the hard way.
Yogurt Stop forever, yo.
You found a shortcut? You’re pretty much unstoppable. Stuck behind construction work? Call in sick, this day’s a bust.
It’s fruit from a cart on the street. How good could it be? Oh, but it is good. It is verygood.
You may try to fight it, but eventually you’ll wake up and discover a bag of kale in your fridge.
Beware Melrose, in general.
So grown-up. So well fed.
I know I have an umbrella, but I’ll be damned if I keep it in a logical place!
Times were simpler when there was rain, weren’t they?
My weekends belong to Los Feliz.
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