This New $145 Million Church in Clearwater, FL Is Just Redicuous. I’m Sure You Know Who Built It.
You’ve probably heard of Scientology (or rather, the “church” of Scientology). Scientology is a body of beliefs and practices created by L. Ron Hubbard, and to most people, it seems like a cult that is literally insane and focused only on taking people’s money. Scientology teaches that “people are immortal beings who have forgotten their true nature” and through their many books and systems you can pay for, you can reach enlightenment. If that doesn’t sound familiar, then you’ll recognize all of the celebrities that are Scientologists: Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley, Jason Lee, John Travolta and Juliette Lewis.
And if you don’t believe just how many people the Church of Scientology convinced to donate the big bucks in exchange for “spiritual freedom,” check out their new headquarters in Clearwater, Florida. It cost $145 MILLION.
When you look at the people, the teachings and buildings of Scientology, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed by how creepy and fraudulent it seems. We don’t know if Scientology is a lunatic’s set of beliefs, but we do know that it looks like they make evil villains at their headquarters.
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