You Should ALWAYS Ask For The Window Seat. Here’s Why.
Written by Taylor Goldblatt
The world is just so beautiful, why miss seeing it while you ride above it? Here’s 10 reasons to be sure to get the window seat… even if you have to pay the person who has it a few extra bucks. Totally worth it.
1. You might see Chicago’s skyline reflected in Lake Michigan.
2. You could see a rainstorm like this off in the distance.
3. Because a solar eclipse at 44,000 ft is pretty cool
4. And seeing the highest point in Africa will take your breath away
5. For the sunrises
6. And the sunsets
7. And waterfalls you’ll never see from the aisle
8. You could witness a forest fire
9. And finally understand why everyone thinks Norway is so beautiful
10. You could ride an endless sea of clouds
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